“Love the Lord with all your heart, and with all your soul,
and with all your MIND”--Matt 22:37
In light of our Church's celebration of the Feast of All Saints, I thought it was important to address this question that is often posed to Catholics.
The objections to praying to the saints are many and look like this:
- Saints are dead. How can they hear us?
- Jesus is the ONLY mediator. So why do Catholics elevate saints to mediators?
- How can people in heaven hear all the simultaneous prayers of billions of people?
- Where in the Bible does it say we're supposed to pray to saints?
- Why not go directly to Jesus?
#2, the objection that Jesus is the ONLY mediator is actually not found
in the Bible. What the Bible actually says is that Jesus is the ONE
mediator. For there is one God. There is also one mediator between God and the human race, Christ Jesus, himself human-1 Tim 2:5.
That's a distinction that's important. Jesus is, indeed, the ONE
mediator, but through our union with him, we are all participants in
this mediation. Thus, Jesus is not the ONLY mediator. We are ALL mediators, including the saints in heaven, who intercede for us eternally before the throne of heaven.
non-Catholics like to bring up that verse in 1 Timothy about Jesus
being the One Mediator, but what's interesting is just a few verses
earlier St. Paul tells us this: First of all, then, I ask that supplications, prayers, petitions, and thanksgivings be offered for everyone--1 Timothy 2:1, which is a request for us to be mediators for each other, isn't it?
Regarding #3 asking how they could hear a multitude of prayers simultaneously, we know that Scripture tells us, Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, nor has it entered the human
heart, what God has prepared for those who love him--1 Cor 2:9. What those who are rejoicing with God in heaven, joined eternally as the Body of Christ, can do is not limited by our finite and limited reasoning.
Regarding #4 which asks where it can be found in the Bible, there's the standard response: why do we have to find everything we believe in the pages of the Bible? Where does the Bible state that? (Answer: no where. That's a man-made
tradition that many have been duped into believing). Also, we can ask
the non-Catholic, "Where does it say in the Bible that we can't pray to saints in heaven?"
#4 segues nicely into a question that I like to pose to Protestants who
ask me, "Where is Doctrine X in the Bible?" The
question I pose is this: "If it's not in the Bible does that mean it's
allowed, or does that mean it's prohibited?"
question is troubling for most Bible-alone Christians because they will
see their inconsistency. On the one hand, they will say, for things
such as praying to the saints, "Well, if it's not in the Bible then it's not allowed. You can't pray to saints because it's not in the Bible." But on the other hand, they will say, for things such as contraception, "Well, if it's not in the Bible then it is allowed. So you can use the Pill because it doesn't say you can't in the Bible."
In other words, the Bible-alone Christian needs to be consistent. Either follow this paradigm: "Where the Bible is silent on an issue, it is forbidden." OR! follow this paradigm, "Where the Bible is silent on an issue it is permissible." But they ought not pick and choose when to apply these paradigms.
Finally, regarding objection #5 on why not go to Jesus Directly. 2 words: Prayer Chains. 

other words, almost all non-Catholic Christians who object to praying
to the saints because they believe we should go to Jesus Directly also
have Prayer Chains. If they really believed that we should go to
Jesus Directly then they wouldn't have prayer chains. They would
simply, individually, pray for their own private intentions directly to
Jesus. But they understand the power of the prayers of a righteous man
and thus ask for the intercession of others through the Prayer Chain.
Praying to the saints is nothing more than a Prayer Chain, extended to the Heavenly Body of Christ!
be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the
reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and
respect" - 1 Peter 3:15